ROSE hydrolate 50 ml
Product code: GDL(1)-SIB
Design country: Russia
Production country: Russia
Description: ROSE HYDROLATE - product of steam distillation of the Crimean roses. Without alcohol or preservatives.

!!!The hydrolate is certified by COSMOS NATURAL!!!

- Moisturizes and tightens pores
- Smoothes wrinkles
- Relieves inflammation

Hydrolate or flower water is a unique product that has recently been increasingly replacing synthetic tonics and lotions for skin care from our cosmetics. What is the secret of the popularity of hydrolates? First of all, this is an exclusively natural composition that attracts fans of eco-cosmetics. Hydrolate is obtained by steam distillation. Through useful herbs and flowers, steam is driven away and as a result, fragrant water is obtained, which has absorbed all the properties of essential oils, but in a safer concentration. And no alcohol, preservatives, or other chemical additives! Thanks to this, the hydrolate acts softly, easily penetrates into cellular structures and gives a noticeable cosmetic effect, noticeable almost immediately. Choose a hydrolate based on your individual characteristics, and you will be able to get rid of many imperfections of the skin or hair.
You will be surprised how many different ways to use hydrolate can be found! Spray it on the skin or hair in its pure form, add it to creams, masks, scrubs, bath water, make wraps and compresses on problem areas, use it to give a fragrant freshness to underwear or humidify the air in the house. In short, a bottle of scented water will become your indispensable assistant for maintaining beauty, youth and good mood!

INCI: Rosa odorata (Rosa tea) flower water.

Rose hydrolate gently cleanses the skin, removing inflammation, redness and irritation. Has a nourishing and moisturizing action, saturating the skin with vitamins, micro and macro elements, smoothes wrinkles, refreshes and deodorizes the face and body. Maintains water balance, promotes regeneration of the skin, makes it velvety and fresh. It is used to relieve inflammation and dryness of the skin around the eyes, eliminate conjunctivitis, cramps. Tones the scalp, reduces inflammation, increases blood circulation and promotes hair growth.

Rose hydrolate scent is powerful and exhilarating. You will not remain indifferent.

- Adds shine
- Refreshes and gives a light floral scent
- Recommended for dandruff seborrhea

- Suitable for all skin types
- Suitable for skin care around the eyes
- Has a rejuvenating and antioxidant effect
- Moisturizes and tones
- Relieves irritation and evens skin tone
- Helps in the treatment of acne and dermatological diseases

- Antiseptic
- Healing
- Anti-inflammatory
- Restores the balance of the endocrine system
- Has a positive effect on the nervous system

- As a tonic for the skin
- To prepare various homemade cosmetics, cultivation of dry masks and scrubs.
- In the form of compresses to reduce puffiness of eyes and dark circles under the eyes
- For solar and thermal burns to regenerate
- As a hair spray. Strengthens hair roots, gives a light floral scent and shine
- For scenting the house and linen
- As the basis for dilution of essential oils for aromatherapy
- As a gargle for the treatment of periodontal disease, sore throats and tonsillitis

- Individual intolerance to rose essential oil

- Store in dark place at temperature below 17 °C.
- Storage at room temperature significantly reduces the EXPIRY DATE of hydrolate.
- When storing environment temperature above +10 °C, the slight precipitate.
- All the information presented on the website, is for reference only and cannot be recognized by treatment guidelines or call to action. In case of any health problems or illnesses need to consult a doctor and perceive aromatherapy as an additional aid to the body. The advice of the aromatherapist is required.

PRODUCED in the Republic of Crimea.

PACKING: 50 ml.

EXPIRY DATE: 1 year.

AFTER OPENING: 3 months.